Activities in 2024

MBS alumni and students from different parts of the world are always welcome to join activities in our Centre. Details of the events are listed below, don't hesitate to contact Alumni Secretariat at

Please help us to spread the word and bring your friends to join us!

Events 2024
    Date Activities Location
  • 2024
  • Jul 20(Sat)
  • Hong Kong Summer Networking Party 2024 Album HK
  • Jun 22(Sat)
  • UOM Bicentenary Boat Tour by MBSAA(HK) & UOMAA(HK) Album HK
  • Jun 22(Sat)
  • Japan Summer Networking Party 2024 Album Tokyo
  • Mar 23 (Sat)
  • Hanami Networking: Blossom the Connections in Tokyo Album Tokyo
  • Jan 24 (Wed)
  • UoM Bicentenary Reception - East Asia Centre Album HK
  • Jan 18 (Thurs)
  • Manchester Global MBA Welcoming Party Album HK
  • Jan 14 (Sun)
  • ACCA Charity Rickshaw Race 2024 Album HK


Manchester Business School