22 Jun - UOM Bicentenary Boat Tour by MBSAA(HK) & UOMAA(HK)
The boat tour co-hosted by the UOMAA (HK) and MBSAA (HK) was successfully held on 22 June 2024. It was an eventful night with alumni and friends from The University of Manchester. The tour with an awesome view of Victoria Harbour at night, creating a joyful atmosphere. The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the delicious and beautifully decorated purple cake, celebrating the Bicentenary of UOM. Everyone received an exclusive goodie bag, which brought smiles to their faces.
Special thanks go to Simon Hui, Janny Shum and Roy, Hayley Tsui, and Mabel Law for their preparation work. We look forward to meeting all of you again in the near future.


Manchester Business School