26 February – ACCA Hong Kong Community Day Rickshaw Charity Run
The University of Manchester East Asia Centre team runs for the ACCA Hong Kong Community Day is back in action in Central on 26 February 2023.
The event was themed in "25 YEARS OF LOVE AND CARE. RUN AHEAD TO A BETTER FUTURE". Six of our current Global MBA students took the Rickshaw run, said that they are even happier as they are also running for a good cause - fundraising for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong.
It was also a day full of special moments, with so many alumni, friends and families were there together to cheer our team on! Our Manchester Bee Mascot was a hit for selfies and pictures. Big congratulations to the team also on winning 2nd Runner Up in the Best Costume Award.

2nd Runner Up in the Best Custome Award

2023 ACCA Community Day

Great collaborations

Happy kids with Manchester Bee

Manchester Bee Mascot

Students and Alumna


Manchester Business School