16 March – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – Chinese Tea House
We had fun tonight, enjoying imaginary dim sum and different Chinese teas! We shared our love and craving for our favourite foods!
Welcome our Cheung Fun - Wai (July 2022 MBA student) and Beef Ball - Queenie (Jan 2022 MBA student) who attended their first Toastmasters meeting tonight! Cheung Fun - Wai won Best Table Topic Speaker. Well done!
It was our honor to have District 89 Division C Director - Spring Roll - Rayman and Area C4 Director - Egg Tart -Hollie deliver evaluations with advice and improvement tips to building a stronger more SUBSTANTIAL club!
Public speaking is fun! You have a variety of Pathway choices at MBS Alumni Toastmasters Club.
Join our next meeting on 6 Apr 2022 at 7.30pm on Zoom!


Manchester Business School