2 March – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – Presentation to your Board of Directors
Congratulations, if you get the chance to make a presentation to your Board of Directors!
This is the CEO’s or CFO’s opportunity to speak directly to their Board. It is a golden opportunity to get them to understand your vision, secure buy-in on financial needs and projects and to explain your company’s performance.
Tinna Nunno, Distinguished Research Vice President of Gartner, said that a board presentation could be as short as15 minutes. It is important to create and present a concise and compelling presentation to capture your board's SUSTAINABLE interest, get their investment and find out what’s next for your company.
To get the support of your board, Tinna shared her winning tips:
1. AVOID BORED - build resonance
2. BRIEF - keep the presentation to the point
3. OPENNESS - show transparency to shareholders of the actual risks and values involved
4. ACCURACY - secure accurate data and public information
5. RELEVANT - ensure relevance to your board of directors
6. DIPLOMATIC - demonstrate your business acumen to deliver results as part of a team
7. BUILD a STORY with the 3 ELEMENTS that a board really cares about:
(1) Revenue/Mission
(2) Cost
(3) Risk
The more you know about your board, the better the chance to get a unanimous vote!
Come join our next regular meeting on Zoom, 16 Mar 2022 (Wed) at 7.30pm


Manchester Business School