10 Nov - UNESCO: Futures of Education - Hong Kong & GBA Forum 2021 The Crossroads of Education & Future of Work in the Post-Pandemic Era
The ‘UNESCO Futures of Education Forum’ in Hong Kong on 10 Nov was a great success! Dr. Julian Skyrme, Director of Social Responsibility contributed to a video about how the University of Manchester works on our core goal - Social Responsibility, which the video played at the beginning of the Forum.
Apart from our alumna Donna Buckland who is the chairperson of this Forum, we also had another alumnus, Eric Chan, as a panellist of the panel discussion and Ismail Erturk from AMBS as the Honorary Adviser. In addition to attendees, many of the students and alumni from the East Asia region including Japan and Korea also joined the Forum virtually: it is very motivating to see how the Manchester stakeholders are highly engaged in SR related topics and it testifies to the strong impact of the University SR values on our Manchester stakeholders – to involve and bring the values in their lives.
We, the East Asia Centre, will keep aligned with the University on the value of SR and continue to engage the local alumni communities to promote SR, especially since 2022 is the 30th anniversary of the East Asia Centre.


University's SR Goals

Alumnus Eric Chan's sharing


Manchester Business School