7 Apr – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – The magic of humour
Humour is important not only in social life but also in the workplace. It boosts morale, builds trust and makes people feel happy and comfortable with you. It is a potent stress buster.However, there is a chance our colleagues do not understand due to different culture or lack of particular shared experiences. We need to be aware & sensitive of this.
To tell a good joke that listeners can appreciate, the pacing, rhythm & timing is crucial. You need to set the scene, build up anticipation then give the punchline. To practice & refine our delivery of what is FUNNY, we can test drive our witticisms on different groups in different settings.
According to research at Wharton University of Pennsylvania, the successful use of humour signals confidence and competence and increases the joke teller’s status. If done correctly, it can break the ice and build instant rapport. Humour can be a really effective tool for a business leader!



Manchester Business School