3 Mar – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – How to tell a Great story
Stories are like a magnet which attracts our eyes and ears. From babyhood, we hear countless stories from fairy tales, fiction, movies, TV shows, friends and family. Stories are like soulmates who talk to us directly and connect deeply with our hearts. We laugh, cry, smile, feel sorrow together. Stories reveal emotions!
Stories are durable and memorable. That’s what makes many business leaders use stories in their global business launches to, influence the thoughts of key stakeholders.
To tell a great story, we can start with 3 simple techniques that DAN LOK shared with us today:
1. TIME & LOCATION: Take your audience to a specific time and place. Set a tone, a mental image for your audience to realise where the story starts.
2. BE VERY SPECIFIC: Use dialogue to put your audience into the scene of the action.
3. MORAL OF THE STORY: What’s the transformation and takeaway for the audience?
Practice makes perfect. Let’s start by using stories in our Prepared Speeches and Table Topics speeches. You will find your own personal story-telling style soon!
stories are powerful


Manchester Business School