16 Dec – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – A surprise meeting with Santa!
We felt BLISSFULL and in good cheer with good wine, good speeches and good sharing!
Santa brought President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to give us an inspiring holiday message.
We observed how they used different techniques to deliver a convincing special occasion speech with poise, love and engagement.
In Table Topics, Santa had 9 gifts to give us on how to live BLISSFULLY in 2021. . .
1. Special people in your life
2. True Privilege
3. Life changing impact
4. Compassion
5. Holidays
6. Faith
7. Boundless Love
8. Hope
9. Great Jokes
We are blessed with a healthy body, a loving heart, and a chance to receive a good education at the University of Manchester Business School.
Believe in yourself! Use your word power and public speaking skills to influence and achieve good impact in your work, family and society.
We wish you a Merry X’mas and a Happy New Year!

1Surprise Meeting with Santa
Merry Xmas


Manchester Business School