2 Dec – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – How to run a productive meeting
According to Harvard Business Review, 65% of managers reported that their meetings were unproductive and prevent them from doing deep work. When companies are transitioning to work- from-home, it is vital to know how to run a productive meeting, as an AMBS stakeholder and as a Toastmaster.
Some top tips:
1. Consider inviting collaborative members to contribute ideas, brainstorm and share information
2. Limit the number of participants in each virtual meeting to combat over-scheduling
3. Set key meeting & organization objectives beforehand
4. Encourage attendees to turn on their video and audio, to observe body language cues
5. Transform yourself from meeting leader to meeting facilitator, to foster dialogue
6. Draw in attendees, to participate in the meeting and figure out who can contribute and collaborate in a meaningful CONSTRUCTIVE way
7. Share written instructions and documents on screen beforehand
8. Encourage attendees to mute themselves, to avoid noise disruption
In Toastmasters, we are trained to host an efficient meeting with an organised agenda, clear project objectives, roles and responsibilities, measurable timeline and specific evaluation criteria.
In addition, we had a fun and interesting Table Topics session led by Tim Chan, “The Seven Deadly Sins of Meetings”. Four Table Topics speakers turned "saviours" gave brilliant CONSTRUCTIVE ideas to tackle common problems of unproductive meetings: people don't tell the truth, people make the same mistakes, people don't take the meeting seriously, people wander off topic!
Run Productive Meetings


Manchester Business School