4 Nov – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – Elevator Pitch
Have you ever seized a golden opportunity to pitch to your boss or investor?
Did you ADROITLY gain his/her heartfelt support? How did it feel?
We witnessed four amazing winners ADROITLY gain their cheques from Justin/ our Shark Tank investor with inspiring pitches!
We thank Vanessa Van Edwards for sharing her Top Secrets to the Perfect Shark Tank Pitch - all of which were highly applicable to our daily lives. We loved Tip#1 and practiced this together at the end of the meeting!
5 Tips for a Perfect Shark Tank Pitch:.
1. Add a smile and a nod
2. Make it interactive
3. Tell your story and tell it well
4. Speak with power and warmth
5. Know your numbers (This was the most important tip!)
CONGRATULATIONS to Tsuyohsi-san and Samson who ADROITLY embarked on their Pathway journeys by delivering their first Toastmaster speeches.
Elevator Pitch


Manchester Business School