7 Oct – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – Public Speaking
To speak in front of a large group of people (60+ pax) is a technique that can be learned. With the right preparation and a few calming techniques, we can overcome our fears and speak confidently with authority and BREVITY in any situation, on any topic. TEDx Speaker Lova shared that compared to a small group, a large audience is neutral and gave 3 tips on how to speak in front of a crowd :
1. stimulate the audience emotionally,
2. adjust your words based on real-time audience feedback,
3. energize the audience to engage & resonate with them.
Tim, Justin and Gilbert shared these personal tips: always
4. speak from the heart,
5. work towards a climax, and
6. put purpose at the forefront.
Also, it was the first time we simultaneously hosted a meeting physically and virtually via zoom! We were so happy to see each other. It was like a reunion on campus!
Public Speaking


Manchester Business School