19 September - The University of Manchester Worldwide Charity Run
The University of Manchester Worldwide Charity Run was a great success. We had participants East to West, virtually coming from Australia, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, India, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Nigeria, and across the Atlantic to Florida and Peru. Some participants even came from the least expected countries, such as Peru, Turkey, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, and Vietnam. We had a 47% turn out rate and a total of 240 participants from 51 cities in 24 countries across 16 time zones attended the event.
It was amazing to see this many alumni and friends joining together for the purpose of charity and also contributed to the Guinness World Record attempt for the “Most People Running / Jogging Online Simultaneously”.
This world record-setting global charity run was initiated by MBSAAHK in response to the call of Manchester Day of Action, which has been strongly supported by the various Manchester alumni associations from Singapore and Malaysia; and made possible with the kind coordination of the East Asia, South East Asia, Middle East, Latin America Centres and the Division of Development and Alumni Relations. Without their support, the event wouldn’t have such great outcome.
We were grateful to have Gatorade and Urleiten by Yeh Shen Ltd. sponsoring the energy sport drinks and the pure Alpine spring water for Hong Kong participants. Due to the limitation and delay on delivery during Covid, these items could not be arranged for oversea.
The most important and special thanks go to the hard work of the division race leaders that they were still collecting and consolidating the race results after the event. Final race results will be announced later.
In this event the charity beneficiaries include the University and a several NGOs:
1. United Kingdom – the University Emergency Hardship Fund for assistance to students with financial difficulties.
2. Hong Kong – Senior Citizen Home Safety Association which provides Care-on-call Service for elderly.
3. Singapore – St. John’s Home administers sheltered home and health services for senior people.
4. Malaysia – Protect and Save the Children for prevention of child sexual abuse.
5. Dubai – Emirates Red Crescent with their motto - Life Care, focus on local and international humanitarian work.
6. Macau – Care Action Macao that supports different local charity and student education fund, especially for China.
By the fund-raising element to support the University and the local NGOs, this event has over achieved the sustainable development goals in the following areas:
(bracketed are the corresponding charity beneficiaries referred in the list above and evidence in the event supporting the claim of SDG achievements)
  • Goal 1 – No Poverty (1, 6)
  • Goal 2 – No Hunger (1, 5, 6)
  • Goal 3 – Good Health and Well-being (2, 3, 4, promote good health in running/jogging and be able to connect Manchester alumni family virtually during the influence of Covid-19)
  • Goal 4 – Quality Education (5, 6)
  • Goal 5 – Gender Equality (the event was opened to both genders equally)
  • Goal 10 – Reduced Inequality (4, 5)
  • Goal 17 – Partnership for the Goals (partnered with Alumni Associations, World Wide Centres, and the Division of Development and Alumni Relations for this event)
    It is the first time the MBSAAHK organized a worldwide event and it is a good experience that united the Manchester alumni family across countries and promote a healthy lifestyle with running exercise. There was a comment from a participant that this event has motivated him to pick up running again. Feedback from participants have been very positive and they felt the togetherness and connection as Manchester family and commented the event was commendable. We hope the unity of Manchester family will continue to grow and look forward to organizing the next worldwide event.
    Janny Shum
    (Chairman of Manchester Business School Alumni Association Hong Kong (MBSAAHK) 2019/20)
    On behalf of MBSAAHK Worldwide Charity Run Organizing Committee
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