02 Sep – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – Sell yourself
How to be yourself and also show you are a confident, exurberent, enthusiastic, energetic, attractive person? How to do this on-line?
We were fortunate to learn zoom interview techniques from Anne Corley Baum, the author of "Small Mistakes Big Consequences". She told us her winning formula to “sell yourself" well. Her 3 big tips were -
(1) Prepare thoroughly beforehand: research a wide-range of questions & topics, think of & prepare answers for them; then ensure that there are no errors whatsoever in your technical set-up. This can be fatal for an on-line interview!
(2) Present yourself well: dress professionally & be well groomed to make that vital, good first impression, continue with a warm confident, smile, appropriate hand & body gestures, eye-contact (remember to look directly at the camera), tone-of-voice.
(3) Speak slowly & smile. Show the “real you” but also highlight “the best version of your most professional self” to the camera/ interviewer.
We were happy to have new member Tsuyoshi-san from Japan (July 2020 intake) attend the on-line meeting tonight.
Sell Yourself


Manchester Business School