19 Aug – MBS Alumni Toastmaster Club – Time Travel
On behalf of Spaceship Captain and the Crew, 15 passengers joined Manchester Business School Spaceship to travel back to history, at an altitude of uncountable meters, at the speed of light.
In this 2-hour journey, we had two luxury in-flight entrainments – Prepared Speeches and Table Topics.
Congratulations to Toastmaster Vivien for delivering her first speech in the club and being the Best Speaker. We are also excited to travel back to different time zones in Table Topics, from 35BC to 3500BC, and talk about great historic inventions and how they impacted our personal lives.
It was our honour to have Division H Director as our Spaceship Captain and to give an insightful and detailed General Evaluation Report. Aaron gave high compliments on our club standards and performance. Thank you for the leadership from President Tim and the Excom Team.
We are proud to be an in-house club to serve fellow AMBS students and alumni.
Time Travel


Manchester Business School