5 August - Joint UMW and AICPA-CIMA Webinar: What is the future of finance after the Coronavirus crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting the world since early 2020. All the global economies have to plan for the post-COVID-19 world, especially the future of finance in a digital economy. Despite having no crystal ball or insider information, on 5 Aug, Professor Ismail Ertürk from Alliance Manchester Business School and Mr. Rex Gu, a fellow member of CIMA and Manchester Global MBA alumnus bravely took on the challenge and shared their views as an academic and a practitioner in this highly topical webinar. An audience of over 100, including the members CIMA and University of Manchester Stakeholders, joined in and asked penetrating questions such as ‘How do you envisage IT departments and Finance working together without duplication’ and ‘What are the key challenges for the central banks in managing the risks’.
UMW_CIMA webinar
UMW_CIMA webinar


Manchester Business School