7 September – Renaming Ceremony: “Legacy of Excellence ● Future of Innovation”
In celebration of the elevation of Manchester Business School Worldwide East Asia Centre to University level at its 25th anniversary, a Renaming Ceremony themed “Legacy of Excellence  Future of Innovation” was organised at the East Asia Centre on 7 September 2017 (Thursday). The School is now renamed as The University of Manchester Worldwide (UMW) and is dedicated to provide all-round support to students and alumni.
We were honoured that Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell (The President & Vice-Chancellor), Dr Eric Li (Chairman of HKFUM) and Mr James Gallagher (Deputy Trade Commissioner, Department of International Trade, British Consulate-General), together with our own Ms Christina Siu (Regional Director of UMW), officiated at the Lighting Ceremony.
With 100 highly influential participants including senior officials and industry leaders from various sectors, sponsors of the event, delegates of prestigious professional organisations as well as UoM’s outstanding students and alumni, we were delighted to celebrate this milestone and share this memorable occasion. Without your tremendous support, this event could not have been so successful.
It’s a full house!
Vision by Dame Nancy
Elevation to University level
Inaugurating an innovative future
Thanks to our sponsor & MC
Welcoming our VIPs
VIPs from InvestHK
Connecting with dynamic community
Hobnobbing Networking


Manchester Business School