23 October - MBS Seminar: Successful Entrepreneurs
Two MBA alumni shared their understanding and application of entrepreneurial skills by presenting some key aspects of the theory illustrated by real examples of entrepreneurial ventures.
Mr. Chong shared the story of an entrepreneur, whose business subsequently went spectacularly wrong and was eventually closed down. He also shared his “Success Attributes” and provided an useful check-list.
Followed by insights from an ill-fated venture, Mr. Wharton shared the tricks of driving entrepreneurship to be profitable and successful, based on real experiences along with research results. He also shared the success stories of Toyota, iPhone & iPod and the tremendous impact on Kodak and music sales. In short, he believes in business opportunities by solving people’s needs or creating new opportunities.
At the end of this inspirational seminar, alumni proactively asked speakers questions, met long lost alumni and exchanged contacts.
Successful Entrepreneurs
Mr Lee story
Successful story


Manchester Business School