16-20 June Manchester Global Graduates Programme 2014
Explore the world through a wider lens! A group of eight undergraduate students has enjoyed the fruitful Global Graduates Programme 2014, which has been actively supported by Hong Kong Centre. Over the course of the week, students found the organisation visits and meetings rewarding.
Whereas meetings with alumni and recruiters were arranged to facilitate sharing, students were also invited to Joint UK Alumni Social, a networking event, to meet alumni from top business schools in the UK. The occasion provides precious opportunity to know about alumni’s career journeys.
Another programme highlights should be the dinner meeting with our senior alumnus. We are honored to have Mr. Ronald Kong to share his insightful experience on doing business in China including the economic climate, working culture as well as business practices of Chinese cities. Having dinner at a decent Chinese restaurant enhances cultural exchange as the students were especially excited with the Chinese-style aquarium inside. We wish all the students a prosperous career development in the future.
Group Photo with Mr. Ronald Kong, MBS MBA alumnus
Dinner at restaurant with aquarium
Meet with our alumni in Joint UK Social


Manchester Business School