May 10 - Joint UK Alumni Social
4th Annual Joint UK Alumni Social 2012 in Pleasant Relaxed Environment.
The 4th Annual Joint UK (University) Alumni Social 2012 was successfully held on May 10 at Magnum Club, Central Hong Kong, with more than 520 participants and 26 supporting bodies. Since the inception of the function in 2009 with only 5 bodies and 160 participants, the MBSAA(China) went through the process in 4 years via 10 bodies 230 participants to 26 bodies 520 participants, with kind supports from the British Council and British Consulate General – Hong Kong.
The event was opened with warm welcome speech from Director of British Council South China, Peter Upton and followed by leisure mingle in a pleasant relaxed environment as well as two rounds of exciting lucky draw.
As a token of support to the event, the MBSAA(China) sponsored some bottles of red wine while the MBS East Asia Centre a bottle of champagne for the lucky draw. Yet the small token helps significantly to visualize the keen support from the MBS.
Reported by William YS Chan, Vice Chairman – MBSAA(China) May 23, 2012


Manchester Business School