June 16 - MBSAA China Summer Outing: Day Trip to HK Geopark
MBSAA organized a day trip away from the hustle and bustle of the city to visit the beautiful Hong Kong National Geopark and explored its surrounding islands. The journey started off with a boat ride then stopped for a scrumptious seafood lunch at a well preserved Chinese Hakka village in Kut-O. Thereafter the Group proceeded to Tung Ping Chau and had a wonderful time walking along the country trail and awed at the beauty of the coastal landforms, sea cliffs, sea stacks and algae beds. Participants who had attended the June Network Drinks and listened to the talk on Photography put what they had learnt to practice! It was a wonderful fun filled day for all !
Group Photo@Geopark
Group photo@pier
Happy together


Manchester Business School